Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Configuring a Subscription to an Azure SQL

This is my first post where I utilize an hybrid cloud, item that I personally find very interesting and useful so expect more posts like this to come.

Microsoft Azure released at the beginning of this week the availability to add an Azure SQL database as a subscriber for a transactional replication (, so I was preparing the post to show how to create a subscription to a transactional publication so instead of adding the subscription of an on-premises server I set it up to the Azure version.
The steps to configure a Subscriber are the following:

1. Start the subscription wizard: You will go and look for the "Replication" Folder, expand the folder and go to "Local Subscriptions" in there right click and choose "New Subscriptions…"

2. Choose your publication: the first step is connecting to a SQL Server that is configured as a publisher and the published databases lastly select the publication you want to subscribe, in this case, I'm connecting to the publication created in a previous post

3. Choose the distribution agent location You have two options here, creating Push or Pull subscriptions, what this means? With Push subscriptions, you will rely on the Publisher to send (Push) the replicated data to the subscribers, on the other side, with the Pull subscriptions, the subscribers will go an connect to the Distribution database and download the changes, this second one is particularly recommended with environments that the minimum increase of workload affects dramatically and if you plan to have multiple subscribers you can reduce that overhead in the publisher by configuring Pull subscriptions, however with the Azure SQL release it is recommended (for now) to add it as Push, mainly the reason why is because you don't have (yet) SQL Server agent to configure the agent jobs to run, so you need to use the one from the publisher.

4. Select your subscribers In this step you will be adding the subscribers to the publisher you have chosen, initially you will only see listed the current server where you are connected, however you can add more, in order to do so, you need to click on "Add Subscriber" and select "Add SQL Server Subscriber…"

5. Connect to your Subscriber server After you click in the Add Subscriber button, you will need to connect to the server or database that you will be adding, in this particular case, I'm connecting to my Azure SQL Database as you can see by the URL.

Once that you have connected successfully, you will see that server with the box at the left checked, telling that you will be adding that as a subscriber as well as the database that will receive the replicated data.

6. Configure the agents security: You will then need to configure the accounts that you will be using to connect to the distribution agent, in this particular case as I don't have an Active directory configured I choose to connect using a local account from my VM, important note, remember you will need to choose

7. Select the Synchronization Schedule once that you have chosen the subscriber database, you configure the Distribution agent security, you need to choose the Schedule, you can select "Run continuously" or schedule to be run at a given times, this all depends on how fast you need the updates to be replicated, when using transactional replication I recommend use continuously as you would want each transaction to be replicated immediately to the subscribers.

8. Initialize subscriptions In this step you will specify if your subscription will be initialized after finalizing the wizard steps or if you want to do it later. My recommendation do it Immediately, there are just few scenarios where you need to do that later.

9. Confirm the actions Confirm if you want to execute the commands immediately or you want to generate the scripts so you can review it and run them at a later time.

And you are all set, you just need to validate with the Replication monitor the progress of your initialization process as well as if it is synchronizing the data:

You can see that I had some errors in there, but they were from another test cases, just wondered that Triggers are not yet available in Azure SQL and I included some tables that had triggers before, but if you don't have that set, it would be straight forward.

The steps above applies the same as if you are setting a subscription to an On-Premises server or a SQL VM created in azure.

Thanks for reading

Configuring a Transactional replication

This post is intended to show you all the steps you will need to follow when you setup a transactional replication, in fact the first 5 steps are one time only, assuming this is the first time you will be creating a publication in your database server, if you already have one set (Except for Log-Shipping, Mirroring or Always On) you can skip the first 5 steps.

Step 1: Configuring the Distribution database

As discussed previously (Replication Basics) SQL Server will use this database to keep a track and distribute all the changes that happen in your published objects (tables) to your subscribers, so the first steps are in order to create it. So in order to initialize that wizard, you connect to you SQL Server, and look for the "Replication" folder, over there you do a right click and select the first option "Configure Distribution"

 Step 2 Selecting the type of distributor that you will have: You can select the type of distributor that you would like for your database server to use, the default selection is that each server serves as its own distributor, however, there are highly transactional environments where the little overhead can severely impact the performance and for that you will choose to use the distribution services from another server. For this case, we will use the first option (own distributor).

 Step 3: Configure the SQL Server agent: By default the SQL Server agent is configure to start manually, if you haven't change that option you will get a message like this, If you already configure it to start automatically you won't see this screen.

Step 4: Configure the snapshot folder You will need to choose a location where SQL Server will be creating your Publication snapshots, remember this are important as from this you will be initializing your subscriptions. This folder can be later reconfigure in the case that you need to do so to improve the performance, but that will be review in another post.

Step 5 choosing the name for the distribution database and the location of the files: In this step you need to configure the name that you would like to give to the database that the distribution agent will be using, the default name is "distribution" however you can choose the name that you like, for instance you can use Customer_distribution to specify the name, this is useful if you will be using a separate server as your distributor. After this screen you will get a summary of the setup and will let you finish the wizard that will create and configure you Distribution database and agent. With this you are all set to start publishing you databases.

Verification: if you like to verify if your database got created properly you can go to the "System Databases" folder and look for the database name you choose in step 5 to verify.

Creating a publication
Every time that you need to create a Transactional replication publication you will need to follow this steps:

1 Choose new publication Go to the replication Folder (same folder you used to configure the distribution database), expand the Tree and over the "Local Publications" hit right click and select "New publication", that will prompt the "New publication Wizard"

 2 Choose the database to be published Once that you are on the "New publication Wizard", select the database that you want to publish

 3 Select the Publication type As discussed before, there are 4 different types of publications that you can choose from, in this post (Replication Basics) I explain a little bit more each case of use, and in that screen you can see a brief explanation of each one for you to choose, for this particular case we will select "Transactional Publication"

4 Choose your articles The articles are the database objects that you want to get replicated, you can select from tables, views or stored procedures, the only condition is that the table must have a Primary key.

5 Filter table rows You can choose to filter the data that will be replicated, in here you can write a query that will select the conditions the data needs to meet to be replicated, e.g. filtered by a date range, a status, age, etc. You can also leave this blank and will replicate the entire table.

 6 Snapshot Agent Each publication has its own snapshot agent, this agent will be the one in charge of generating the schema to be applied on each of your subscriptions, you can choose to generate the snapshot immediately at the end of the wizard or schedule it to run at a given time. You can also choose both, in the case that you would like to reinitialize your subscriptions at a given day of the week although for transactional replications that is not recommended. 

7 Agents setup you will need to configure the security for the Snapshot and Log Reader agent. When clicking on "Security Settings" it will drive you to another window where it will ask you to configure the account you will like to use to connect to the distribution agent to a) Generate the snapshot of the data and queue it and b) Read the changes that are made to the published objects.

 8 Choose the next action In this step it lets you choose which action you would like to do, if you want to create the publication at that exact moment, or if you like to get the script generated to create and configure and you will be executing it later.

9 Confirmation In this step it shows you the summary of what you have chosen, but it is also an important step, where you will be giving the name to the publication so you can identify later what is it about, this is incredibly useful when you have several replications configure in the same server, or when you have 2 or more publication from the same database that each serves for different purposes (Reports, DR, etc.)

Once you have complete all of this steps and after clicking finish you don't see any error, you are all set, your publication is created and you are ready to start creating the subscriptions.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What's new in SQL 2017

SQL Server 2017 became General Availability (GA) on 10/2, I've been sharing through the different social media channels the different features and enhancements included in this new version, however I want to consolidate in this posts most of those that you will be seeing in most of the production scenarios with an explanation of each one.

  1. Resumable online index rebuild resumes an online index rebuild operation from where it stopped after a failure (such as a failover to a replica or insufficient disk space), or pauses and later resumes an online index rebuild operation. See ALTER INDEX and Guidelines for online index operations. This is a great improvement specially with index operations where you run out of space or have to pause it due to performance degradation, you can later resume where you left it instead of having to cancel, wait the rollback and then start from the beginning.
  2. A new generation of query processing improvements that will adapt optimization strategies to your application workload’s runtime conditions. For this first version of the adaptive query processing feature family, we have three new improvements: batch mode adaptive joins, batch mode memory grant feedback, and interleaved execution for multi-statement table valued functions. See Adaptive query processing in SQL databases.
  3. Automatic tuning is a database feature that provides insight into potential query performance problems, recommend solutions, and automatically fix identified problems. Automatic tuning in SQL Server, notifies you whenever a potential performance issue is detected, and lets you apply corrective actions, or lets the Database Engine automatically fix performance problems. This feature in particular is one of the few Azure first, you can see this included in the Azure SQL database since at least V12 (current), for more reference See Automatic tuning.
  4. sys.dm_os_sys_info has three new columns: socket_count, cores_per_socket, numa_node_count. This in particular helps you check if your current setup exceeds NUMA boundaries, in the case you exceed it, it will lead to an overcommitted host and in the end will cause you performance issues.
  5. A new column modified_extent_page_count, is introduced in sys.dm_db_file_space_usage to track differential changes in each database file of the database. The new column modified_extent_page_count allows you to build smart backup solution, which performs differential backup if percentage changed pages in the database is below a threshold (say 70-80%) else perform full database backup.
  6. SELECT INTO … ON FileGroup - SELECT INTO now supports loading a table into a filegroup other than a default filegroup of the user using the ON keyword support added in SELECT INTO TSQL syntax. This feature in particular will help when you need to run the first step of an archive solution or if you create a "troubleshoot filegroup" so you move the data directly to it instead of you PRIMARY filegroup where you might be troubleshooting a performance issue or anything else and you want to isolate the problem. See SELECT INTO.
  7. A new DMF sys.dm_db_log_info is introduced to expose the VLF information similar to DBCC LOGINFO to monitor, alert, and avert potential transaction log issues caused due to number of VLFs, VLF size or shrink file issues experienced by customers. This dmv helps you to analyze the current health of your transaction log file that can become fragmented due to either an incorrect design or that the current management of your log is not the adequate. Pro Tip: If you have a large number of VLF's that could be one of the reasons why your replications are failing or some other CRUD operations are performing poorly, so go and check this number.
  8. Cluster-less Availability Groups support added. Remember this post (Introduction to SQL Server Always On) where I explained the Key components of Always on, with SQL 2017 Windows Failover Clustering (WSFC) is no longer needed so you can enable the Always On feature even if the SQL Server is not part of a Windows cluster.
  9. Linux. Did I mention SQL 2017 can run in Linux? Well, this new version is fully supported either in Windows or Linux

The items described above are related with the most frequently used with the database engine but there are more, also in this post I'm not reviewing features such as SSIS, SSAS, SSRS or Machine Learning and in this last one Microsoft made a lot of improvements with it.

There are templates already ready in Azure for you to go an create VM's with it or if you like to create containers, there is one in Docker already with Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)and SQL 2017 (

For a complete list of the new features you can see this sites:

Friday, October 6, 2017

Introduction to SQL Server Always On

Today I'll write with one of the features I like the most and is Always On. There will be two post of this subject, this first one is an overview of the changes it has gone through, benefits and the scenarios where you can get it implemented, the second will detail the steps on how you can get it implemented.

So I'll try to answer this questions What is Always On? When was it Released? And How can it be used?

What is Always On?
Always On or Always On availability groups (Microsoft) is an integrated high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solution that provides redundancy within a datacenter and across datacenters to help enable fast application failover during planned and unplanned downtime. Specifically, Always On delivers failover cluster instances, multiple secondary, active secondary, and connection director capabilities (multi-subnet and read-only intent).

In English, this means, Always On provides a highly available and Disaster recovery solution for you database environment. As mentioned before is the next evolution of database mirroring. Database mirroring is relatively easy to set up, and it provides an almost instant failover when it’s used in High Safety mode.  However, database mirroring has several important limitations.  First, database mirroring is limited to a single failover partner.  In addition, database mirroring is capable of failing over only a single database at a time.  Database mirroring must be implemented either synchronously or asynchronously you have to choose one or the other. Finally, the databases on the mirroring server are in a state of recovery, so they can’t be directly accessed.  To use the data, you must take point-in-time snapshots of the

This function was introduced with SQL Server 2012 and has received a lot of transformations with the different releases of SQL Server
This are some of the enhancements:
  • Secondary replicas With 2012 you could only have 4, with 2014 it was increased to 8
  • You were not allowed to create a replica in Azure, with 2014 that option was introduced
  • In 2012 and 2014 it was limited to the Enterprise version, in 2016 SP1 you can use "Basic Availability groups since the standard version"
  • In the previous versions you were limited to servers that belong to the same domain, with 2016 you can combine groups form different domains.
  • In 2016 Databases with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) are now supported
  • If you were using Grouped Managed Service accounts (gMSA) you were not able to configure the availability groups, it is now supported with 2016
  • In 2016 the Direct Seeding got introduced. Direct seeding takes all the initialization steps for you, it does a full backup and synchronizes the database in the background for you.
  • In 2014 the read intent was introduced, meaning that all of your read operations will be routed to your replicas so that you have the primary server to run I/U/D (Insert, Update, Delete), In 2016 the engine automatically load balance this across your replicas.

How can it be used?
Always On needs some components to run:
  1. Two sets of IPs: You will need one IP for the Windows failover cluster and one for your Listener.
  2. Windows Failover cluster: You need to configure (create) a windows failover cluster (WSFC) so that you can enable the Always on Functionality in the SQL Server service, why? Because the failover cluster validates if the servers that will be part of the availability groups are running without problems.
  3. Availability Groups: After you create your cluster and install SQL Server as Stand Alone instances, you will have to configure an availability group and add both SQL Server instances, this is where you Always On starts to takes life.
  4. Listener: This will be you single point of entry to you Availability group (AOG) it could be either by the domain name or the IP you will be assigning to it in the setup section, this will always route you to your primary server, unless you configure the Read-Intent routing and it will route your read operations to your replicas.

Think of the an Always On environment as an "Share almost nothing" environment" why? You are only sharing the failover clustering part, other than that you will have independent hardware for each of your SQL Servers. Also when you setup your environment with this type of setup, it reduces the changes (or steps) that you need to take when doing a planned DR because everything is already setup (At least the database part) and you only need to worry if the synchronization was up to date.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Introduction to SQL Server replication

This time I'll talk about some basis with SQL Server replication, whether you need it for High availability (HA), Disaster Recovery (DR), load balance your applications or any other reasons, you have ever considered one of the different types of replication available with SQL Server, some of the components that come in play when you will it setup as well as a brief description as to how each one works and the benefits. So let's get started:

Distribution DB: This is a system database you need to setup before configuring three types of replication (Transactional and Merge). This database comes into play when you need the changes to be distributed across the different subscribers you have to your publications. This is the database used by the Distribution agents to distribute the pending transactions you can also query this database to troubleshoot any errors shown in the replication monitor.

Publisher: This is the database server supporting your database publications, this applies the same as if you think of a book, you can find from a publisher different books (Publications).

Publications: This are the published databases for the replications in there you configure the articles (Tables) that will be part of the publication.

Subscriber: This are the servers that will receive the data from the publisher, the subscriber can be the same server as the publisher or can be different.

Snapshot: This is a copy sort of speak of the publication, it is used to initialize the subscribers or in the case that you setup that type of replication (Snapshot) it synchrony you set it up.

Replication Types
Snapshot: This type of replication is usually used when you need to move some data for reporting purposes or in the case that you will only read that data to run some extensive analysis and that processing will impact the transactional server.

Transactional Replication: This replication ships (depending on your settings) all the transactions from the publisher to the subscriber, this type of replication is helpful when you have reports that needs to be done online and you can't add more stress to your current production database, this is also useful in scenarios of HA or DR because it ships the data fast to the subscribers. This replication depends of the Distributor database to send replicate the data.

Peer-to-Peer replication: This publication enables multi-master replication. The publisher streams transactions to all the peers in the topology. All peer nodes can read and write changes and the changes are propagated to all the nodes in the topology. With this type each of the servers work as publishers and subscribers and you need to configure a Distribution database on each of the servers. This replication depends of the Distributor database to send replicate the data.

Merge replication: This replication "merges" the changes made at the publisher and the subscribers only after they have been initialized with a snapshot, you need to setup a merge schedule so that they can combine the changes from one site to another. This replication depends of the Distributor database to send replicate the data.

Log Shipping: This type of replication is one of the oldest but most trusted methods for Disaster recovery, what this replication does is it backups the transaction log of your database, copies and restore the file in your subscribers, all this based on the schedule that you setup, the more frequent, the closer to the failure you can restore. The good thing about this, is that it also helps you to keep your log files to a managed size so they don't grow indefinitely as you are constantly running this backups. You won't find this type of replication inside the replication folder in the management tree, instead you will find it on the "Properties" of each of the databases.

Mirroring: Database mirroring involves redoing every insert, update, and delete operation that occurs on the principal database onto the mirror database as quickly as possible. Redoing is accomplished by sending a stream of active transaction log records to the mirror server, which applies log records to the mirror database, in sequence, as quickly as possible. Unlike replication, which works at the logical level, database mirroring works at the level of the physical log record (Microsoft). This type of replication is extremely useful when you seek scenarios of HA or DR, because the fail-over time is considerably fast if you do it manually or you can set up to do it automatically. I like to say, this is the preview version of what Always On does now, that is one of the reasons why you will see Microsoft's comment that this feature will be deprecated.

Always On: This is the newest feature in terms of replication that was added to SQL Server, and thus the one that has received a lot of enhancements with each of the versions. It was introduced with SQL Server 2012 and received a lot of improvements with each version even the name has changed, originally it was "AlwaysOn" and in SQL 2016 changed to "Always On availability groups". This takes the functionality described with the mirroring replication and the benefits of the Log Shipping feature where you can have your replicas with Read-Only. An specific post for Always On will be released were we will review all the features as well as how to get it setup. This type is frequently used to support both scenarios HA and DR.

My wish is that you can give a better idea as to which replication will work better for each of the needs you have so you can get the better of what the SQL engine can provide to you.

Thanks for reading

SQL Server 2008 end of support